Create a thriving workplace culture built on employee experience

Boost productivity, engagement, happiness, and wellness with employee experience software focused on enabling remote, hybrid, and in-office employees to do their best work.

employee experience
Table of contents
Understanding employee experience

Understanding employee experience

Employee experience covers the overall sentiment, perception, and interactions of a team member in their work environment. Understanding the work environment involves an integrated approach toward company culture, compensation, benefits, location, management styles, team cohesion, and other economic or psychological factors.

Learn more about Remote Employee Experience (REX)

Defining employee experience

Have you considered what makes up your team’s employee experience? What would it take for one of your direct reports to give their role an A+ rating or five out of five stars?

To have a positive employee experience doesn’t mean that people don’t have bad days. However, a general or overall positive experience means that workers are more than satisfied with their jobs — they’re proud to clock in and be a part of the team.

What is it, then, that leads someone to have a positive employee experience? At the very least, people need to feel taken care of regarding compensation. That means they need to be paid fairly, and they need competitive perks and benefits.

As they say, people often don’t leave their jobs — they leave managers. So, another essential part of the employee experience is having managers and leaders who are good at what they do. Your company must avoid micromanagement, aggressive personalities, or unfriendly communication.

Further, employees must be set up for success to feel positive about their work. This means that the mission of your company should be appealing to employees and align with their values. 

Finally, they need the right software, apps, and technology to complete their jobs effectively. And speaking of technology, Hubstaff offers you all the right tools to maintain and improve your employee experience. Let’s learn more.

Employee experience is an inclusive and far-reaching field

To create a positive employee experience, you have to take a high-level view of all the inputs and outputs of your business. If you’re only looking at how much you’re paying people, you’re definitely missing many other important pieces about the overall experience.

Are you aware of and creating an environment where people feel supported? Do they feel psychologically safe? Are they able to maintain a proper work-life (or, life-work) balance? Are they growing their skills and improving their craft?

And, are you leveraging tools like Hubstaff that directly contribute to a positive experience?

Remote, hybrid, and work-from-home offerings

High performers across various fields love the flexibility remote and hybrid work offers. That’s because remote work enables greater flexibility for family, friends, and hobbies.

By offering remote or hybrid arrangements to team members, you’re sure to improve their employee experience. See our Ultimate Guide to Remote Work here to get started.

Social and emotional elements

Psychological safety. Diversity and inclusion. Clear lines of communication. These are all critical factors for helping people enjoy and appreciate their work. 

Learn how to lead a mentally healthy and happy remote/hybrid team with Hubstaff at your side.

Culture and fit

When there’s a good-fit work culture, you’ll know that your employees can’t wait to interact with their teammates and take on new projects.

Learn about the warning signs of toxic work culture and how Hubstaff can help you have a positive work environment.


Take your employee experience to the next level with Hubstaff’s best-in-class software for best-in-class teams

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elements of employee experience

Key elements of employee experience

Every employee experience initiative must focus on several key aspects. Keep reading about how our software can set you up for success.

Learn more about employee experience

There’s a lot to employee engagement, productivity, and happiness — we’ve got many features and thought leadership resources to help you improve remote employee experience.


Making your mission meaningful will help employees feel like they’re contributing to the greater good. Having solid values and stalwart ethics gives your team something to believe in.

Read more about building transparency and ethics into your business.


Effective leaders and managers inspire and empower their teams.

Read more about the qualities of a good leader and how we help you manage your staff and relationships.

Engagement and satisfaction

Satisfied and engaged employees are more committed and enthusiastic. That means they’ll be willing to put in hard work and effort.

What does it take to reach engagement goals? Read our tips on improving work performance here.

Life-work balance

Prioritize life-work balance through flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and policies that support mental and physical well-being.

Promote flexibility and avoid workaholism by reading our guide.

Development and learning

Offer clear career paths, provide training, and don’t forget perks like education or certification reimbursements. Employees who are allowed to improve themselves won’t feel the need to take a new job to continue their growth.

Get on the employee development fast track by reading our article on remote employee training.

Recognition and rewards

Implement a robust rewards and recognition program that acknowledges employee achievements and reinforces desired behaviors. Recognized employees feel valued and motivated.

Make employment entertaining with Hubstaff’s gamified features, like goal tracking or achievement badges.

Benefits of a positive employee experience

Benefits of a positive employee experience

Positive employee experience brings a multitude of benefits to both employees and the organization.

Read more about motivating remote employees

By investing in employee experience, organizations create a cycle where engaged and satisfied employees drive success, leading to an even more positive work environment, increased productivity, and a stronger bottom line. Success breeds more success, and before you know it, you’ll reach a critical mass of company and revenue growth .

Increased employee engagement

Engaged employees are more committed, enthusiastic, and willing to go the extra mile. They exhibit higher levels of loyalty and are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

One way to increase engagement is to offer productivity tools. See how Hubstaff works as a team habit tracker app.

Higher productivity

Positive employee experience drives productivity and performance. Employees who feel supported and valued are more focused, efficient, and innovative.

Learn how our simple-to-use software helps your team as an employee productivity tracker.

Talent attraction and retention

Positive employee experience engages top talent and reduces turnover. Satisfied employees become brand ambassadors, attracting like-minded professionals to join your organization.

Learn more about our best practices for employee retention strategies here.

Mental health matters

With great power comes great responsibility — and that responsibility is to protect employee well-being. Hubstaff gives remote leaders the features they need to create a culture of trust and transparency, improve retention, and help everyone have their most productive day at work.

Features like Stand-ups, achievement badges, and app and URL usage help managers find the sweet spot between productivity and mental health. Tweak what workforce management metrics Hubstaff tracks to check in on your team, help them achieve their goals, and protect their work-life balance as you see fit.

improving employee experience

Strategies for improving employee experience

Improving employee experience requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. Here are some effective strategies to enhance employee experience within an organization.

Read more about boosting employee engagement strategies

Creating a more positive employee experience is an ongoing effort. You must regularly assess the impact of your strategies, solicit feedback, and make adjustments. By continuously investing in and prioritizing employee experience, you’ll meet your retention and sales goals.

Flexible work locations and schedules

It’s a worker’s world — and many workers have come to love the flexibility that remote and hybrid work arrangements offer.

Read our flex schedule guide to learn how to implement a workweek that works for your team.

Clear communication

Ensure that you’re following best practices to make sure that people are happy and on the same page.

Read more about how Hubstaff helps you master remote communication across dispersed teams.

Employee feedback and comments

Regularly gather employee feedback through surveys and focus groups. Keep an eye out for pain points and improvement opportunities. Act on feedback to demonstrate you’re really listening and willing to make changes.

Give your team the opportunity to check in every day with Hubstaff’s Stand-up tool.

employee experience initiatives

Implementing employee experience initiatives

We’re showing off a ton of Hubstaff features, guides, and articles about employee experience. Now, it’s time for the next step: implementing employee experience initiatives.

Learn how to establish EX initiatives

Organizations can create a supportive and engaging employee experience that fosters a positive work environment and drives employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Iterative work

Continuously evaluate and refine your strategies based on feedback and changing needs. Use a step-by-step approach to implement employee experience — and, take on manageable change and learn from feedback throughout the process.

See how Hubstaff serves as a quick and simple iteration or Sprint management tool.

Collect feedback and encourage dialogue

Engage all of your teams by showcasing the business benefits of a positive employee experience. Demonstrate how it aligns with organizational goals and improves the work environment.

Check out our complete guide to conducting employee evaluations to gather actionable feedback.

Define key metrics

Research employee satisfaction scores, retention rates, and productivity indicators. Regularly track and analyze these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your initiatives.

Learn more about how our workforce optimization software for remote teams can take continuous improvement to the next level.

employee experience challenges

Overcoming employee experience challenges

Every change and every new system creates challenges. However, improvements to the overall employee experience are often welcome and are greeted with appreciation. Follow change management best practices to ensure employees and leadership are all aligned.

Check out our definitive guide to managing a remote team

No challenge is too great with the right software and technology in your hands. See what Hubstaff can do to remove pain points.

Optimize workloads

Every project has limited resources. Every team has limited hours. Harness the power of optimized workloads to use team bandwidth to its fullest potential.

Read our guide on using Hubstaff to help you effectively manage your team workload.

Avoid burnout

Burnout is a leading indicator of negative employee experience. With Hubstaff, uncover work habits or missed deadlines that can indicate disengagement, low morale, or overworked staff.

Learn the signs of employee burnout (and how to prevent it).

Promote rest and time off

Are your teammates getting enough rest and taking time off? Learn more about implementing a PTO policy that keeps teammates refreshed and healthy.

Read about Hubstaff’s straightforward time off and holiday management features.

Future trends in employee experience

The field of employee experience is continually evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of employees.

Check out this latest EX trend: the 4-day workweek

By staying attuned to these future trends, organizations can proactively shape their employee experience strategies and create a workplace that attracts, engages, and retains top talent.

Hubstaff branding element
Privacy-first policies

Ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of employee data is crucial for building trust. Employees need assurance that their personal information is handled securely. Organizations must have robust data protection measures and comply with relevant privacy regulations.

Read more about building trust in virtual teams.

Improved technology

Technology solutions automate and streamline manual or repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more meaningful and strategic work. This improves productivity, reduces administrative burdens, and enhances job satisfaction.

Integrate Hubstaff with other team-building tools — like Slack, Monday, Asana, and Zapier — to save hours of time.

Improved analytics and reporting

Analytics and reporting allow organizations to collect and examine data on various aspects of employee experience, including work hours and work time classification.

No more headaches for your team — use our automatic time reporting software so your employees avoid spreadsheets and manual tracking. And get personalized, recurring feedback with Stand-ups in Hubstaff Tasks.

Key employee experience takeaways

Take time to reflect on the key elements of employee experience and the strategies discussed. Identify areas where your organization can improve and prioritize actionable steps to create a positive employee experience. What are your next steps for improving employee experience?

Here's how to measure employee engagement with metrics and KPIs

There’s a business case to the made for keeping people happy. Plus, improved engagement means a growing bottom line for you.

Happy employees = successful business

In short, employee experience directly connects to business success. When your people are happy, they perform well. When they perform well, you make sales and drive growth.

Here are our top tips for maintaining employee happiness.

Set up teams for success

Show your team that they’re a priority. By directing budget and time towards improved software and perks, you’re letting them know you’re there to give them what they need.

Read more remote employee engagement ideas here.

Communication and listening are key

Remember, all these initiatives rely on having an open-door policy with your team. Want to make some EX improvements? Start by first asking your team what they want or need.

Read our article on remote team management leadership principles to improve your employee experience.

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