Keep channels open with our Slack time tracking integration
Stay in the loop on your team’s hours and completed tasks with Hubstaff notifications in Slack.
Integrate Slack with HubstaffTalk to sales:quality(1))
Know who’s working now and what’s getting done
Get alerts directly within Slack that tell you when someone starts or stops tracking time. You’ll also get notified when tasks are completed, no matter what project management integration you’re using with Hubstaff.
See who’s online right now
Automatic notifications make it easy to see who is available at any time. You’ll know who’s working and what task they’re currently focused on, which can help you decide whether it’s a good time to send a message or if they’re up against a deadline.
Stay on top of tasks and reduce downtime
As soon as a task is marked complete in Hubstaff, a Slack notification will alert the team. That way, whoever is picking up the task to work on it next can run with it without downtime.
How the Slack integration works with Hubstaff
Get alerts as soon as actions are completed.
See task updates for any Hubstaff integration you’re using.
View team activity, hours, and more from the web dashboard.
Re-assign tasks or priorities based on real-time updates.
Choose notification channels, team members, and more.
Dig into hours and projects for your whole team.
Stay in the loop with Hubstaff and Slack
The days of chasing down progress reports are over. Let the updates come to you by integrating Slack with Hubstaff and getting immediate, customizable notifications.