Kantata time tracking made easy

Track time spent on Kantata tasks with Hubstaff. Increase your team's productivity levels and find out which workers are the most effective.

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mavenlink htime tracker app

Kantata task time tracking

The Hubstaff desktop app was built to track the time your team spends on individual Kantata tasks. It can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Macs.

mavenlink time tracking with screenshots

Activity levels, screenshots, and time tracking for Kantata tasks

After integrating Hubstaff and Kantata, you can easily manage remote teams with screenshots and activity levels of the time they spend working on Kantata tasks. The app won't disturb your team as it runs quietly in the background on all major desktop operating systems.

Hubstaff and mavenlink oAuth

Kantata oAuth authorization

Once you approve the Hubstaff app in your Kantata account, the projects and users that you sync will remain linked and update automatically. Assign a new task in Kantata, and the linked Hubstaff user will see it in their app.

Hubstaff and mavenlink oAuth

Optional Kantata task work notes

When your team is tracking their time in Hubstaff, they can add optional work notes, either through the app or in their account online. These work notes will show up next to the task they were working on in the Hubstaff reports section.

time reporting for mavenlink

Automatic online reports

Reports of time worked are automatically generated

All the time your team tracks on their Kantata tasks is recorded and organized in Hubstaff's reports section. There, you can filter by date, user, or project, see activity levels, notes, and time spent working, and even download or email the reports.

kantata hubstaff integration

Hubstaff + Kantata

Integrate your Kantata project management with Hubstaff time tracking and have an effective, automated way to manage your remote teams.

Kantata task time tracking and much more

Hubstaff branding element
Kantata time tracking

Link Kantata and Hubstaff projects to track exact time worked on tasks.

Sync projects and users

When Kantata users are synced, they'll see their assigned tasks in Hubstaff.

Modify time worked

Allow your team to add time manually if they are not using the app to track time.

User-friendly apps

Track time from the desktop, web, or mobile apps or use the Chrome extension.

App and URL tracking

See apps and URLs used while tracking work time.

Productivity rates

Get activity levels based on mouse and keyboard usage.

Integrate Kantata with Hubstaff

Accurately track time spent on tasks and streamline payments, invoices, and more.

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