Clock-In Clock-Out System: How to Choose the Best One & Set It Up
Whether you’re using a manual punch clock or robust employee time tracking software, hourly employees need some type of clock-in clock-out system. To find success managing hourly...
Whether you’re using a manual punch clock or robust employee time tracking software, hourly employees need some type of clock-in clock-out system. To find success managing hourly...
The right time tracking app is a freelancer’s secret weapon for boosting productivity, managing finances, and wowing clients. Imagine easily logging every billable hour, hitt...
If you’re anything like me, you’re currently navigating a sea of emails, juggling a dozen meetings, and trying to remember if you fed your cat. That’s where time management s...
We get it. Timesheet reminders are a bit of a dry topic. However, these reminders are crucial for accurate, punctual timesheet submissions. This may not seem like a big deal,...
Can two short minutes make all the difference in boosting your productivity? The 2-minute rule shows how even the smallest increments of time can lead to meaningful results. I’ll...
Imagine your workday is a block of Swiss Cheese—solid yet peppered with holes. Now, think of each hole as an opportunity, not an interruption, to enhance your productivity. ...
Managing remote workers is tough with team members scattered across different locations and time zones. It’s too easy for hours to slip away unnoticed, or worse, for some to...
Bringing order to the chaos of our daily lives is a lifelong challenge, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t strategies we can implement. At Hubstaff, we’ve written about a wid...
Gigs are not just for musicians anymore. In today’s economy, freelancer management software has become indispensable for businesses looking to leverage the growing freelance...
We all know what it’s like to fall victim to the planning fallacy — an overly optimistic expectation of one’s own abilities that leads to overwork, cost overrun, and missed d...
If you’re wondering how to figure out labor costs for your business, you’re not alone. Navigating that labyrinth can be daunting for businesses of all sizes and industries. How...
Let’s be honest: the 9-to-5 workday isn’t working for everyone. Very few of us are at our most productive from exactly 9 am until 5 pm. Enter the biological prime time (BPT) me...