8 of the Best Invoicing Software for Freelancers
As a freelancer or a small business owner, you work hard. You provide a phenomenal product or service, work with your clients to ensure they’re satisfied, and get paid when all i...
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As a freelancer or a small business owner, you work hard. You provide a phenomenal product or service, work with your clients to ensure they’re satisfied, and get paid when all i...
Having your own consultancy, whether it’s business consulting, management, or coaching, requires completing a diverse stream of tasks. It is not without its challenges. Do y...
Improving productivity in an organization is not without challenges which are often symptomatic of employee engagement problems. The solution lies in creating the conditions that f...
Great news for remote workers: technology is stressing us out. A 2017 study conducted by University of Gothenburg, Sweden proposed that cell phone, computer, and television use are...
Whether you’re a freelancer on the hunt for new gigs, or an employer who wants to select the best contractors, you’ve surely stumbled upon the concept of a freelancing skills t...
If you’ve tried using job posting sites and traditional recruiting ideas but are not seeing the talent you’d like to have on your team, here are a few options that can help you...
Getting customers for your business is hard. In the software-as-a-service (SaaS) world, we talk a lot about inbound marketing, but there are many other ways to get sales. An outsid...
The freelance market is a tough one. Some of us succeed, and some of struggle. One of the key differentiators between those groups is branding. Branding for freelancers e...
What does it take to be a successful freelancer? Is it knowledge and experience, people skills, consistency and hard effort, serendipity, or a random streak of luck? It’s all of...
Running an agency is hard. In some ways, it’s harder than running a more typical small business. Agencies have different issues and different things to think about. And...
Freelancing has experienced a boom in Brazil over the last decade. Many people choose to work on their own for the liberty this provides them to pursue the career of their dreams,...
Businesses today need to think globally — and that includes how they pay their remote employees. Enter Wise, the money transfer service formerly known as TransferWise, which has...