Intuitive features with agile DNA
Get a 14-day trial of Hubstaff Tasks
Create workflows that automatically assign the right person to the task when it moves to the next step.
See who's assigned to each task or add followers so they get regular updates on the project.
Know how much time was spent on each task, so it’s easy to compare the hours worked to your estimates.
Discover why automated boards are better
Try Hubstaff Tasks free for 14 days.
See everything your team is working on and spot projects that are taking longer than expected.
Display just the Sprints you're part of or filter them by specific team members and teams.
See how many days, tasks, and estimated hours remain in each Sprint. Then use that information to adjust plans as needed.
Keep your team on track by comparing the hours they worked to the hours you estimated for each Epic.
See the completed and remaining tasks for each Epic. Then drill down for more details on time estimates and assignees.
Place your Epics into folders to organize your workload. You can also toggle between completed and open Epics.
See what everyone is working on in a single view. This makes it easy to rearrange Tasks if bottlenecks are spotted.
Overdue and soon-to-be-due projects will appear in red on the timeline, so no due date will ever slip by unnoticed.
Switch between days, weeks, and months in your timeline so you always know what's coming up next.
View all the unscheduled tasks and then drag and drop them into a timeline. You can also group tasks by assignee or project.
Filter tasks by team members, teams or projects to get a variety of views that help you make informed decisions.
Go from the Roadmap view to Kanban boards with a click. It's a quick way to see your team's workload from different perspectives.
Gain total project visibility
See how the Roadmap view helps you keep tabs on everything.
Schedule automated email reminders for team members, so you never have to pester them about checking in.
Set standup reminders and notifications for everyone or just the team leads.
See how many days, tasks, and estimated hours remain in each Sprint. Then use that information to adjust plans as needed.
Add a to-do the moment it comes up with just a few clicks. Then set a due date so you get alerts when the deadline nears.
View your personal to-dos alongside your assigned tasks for larger projects. Then keep tabs on what's coming up next.
Toggle to see everything you've accomplished in a specific timeframe or for a specific project.
Instantly set up workflows for bug tracking, product development, web design, and other projects.
Get templates that make it easier to run A/B tests, manage blogs, or create ad campaigns.
Bring out the best in your team with productivity-enchanting workflows, such as the MoSCoW and Pomodoro techniques.
Time tracking & reporting
Combine Hubstaff Tasks with Hubstaff to unlock advanced time tracking features for making data-driven decisions.
Install the time tracker app on any device or track time from your browser. All the data feeds directly into Hubstaff Tasks.
Understand what tasks are dragging down your team's productivity, so you can find and fix the problems.
Set pay rates for your team members to identify which tasks are delivering the biggest ROI.
Who's using Tasks?
“Having this allows me to see all the work being handed off, allows me to set it up as an urgent task, and saves me the time of going through emails trying to solve everything.”
“What made me really fall in love with Hubstaff Tasks is the fact you get more for less, and that’s something you rarely see these days for a project management app.”
"Tasks helps us better collaborate and manage our team to get our costs down."
See every feature in action.
Manage workloads, plan better, and make progress with Hubstaff Tasks.