Because Agile workflow software shouldn’t be complicated
Get a 14-day trial of Hubstaff Tasks
Create and customize your Agile workflow in 3 steps
Start from scratch or use a template
Build a workflow faster using one of our 40+ templates. Or DIY things by starting from a blank board and adding a column for every step of your project.
Automate repetitive work
Set up your Kanban workflows to move a task to the next step and assign it to the right people automatically with one click.
Make updates on the fly
Drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to adjust columns or move tasks around. That way, you can quickly tweak your workflow when projects change, or new team members join.
Stay on top of tasks workflow
Get all project details in one spot
See assignments, due dates, checklists, comments, and more on every Kanban board.
View work in different ways
Switch from Kanban to Timeline views to see what everyone is working on. This makes it easier to find and fix bottlenecks.
Track time to gain insights
Hubstaff Tasks is the only Agile workflow management tool with built-in time tracking. The hours team members spend on each task will appear right on the boards.
Automated workflow management based on Agile
What you get with Hubstaff Tasks’ Agile workflow software
Hubstaff Tasks is free for teams of up to five people.
Plan out bigger initiatives by creating Epics and tasks within them.
Get daily or weekly project updates from your team without having to ask.
Track your daily tasks alongside larger projects with a built-in to-do list.
Focus your team on the right priorities by organizing work into Sprints.
Sync Hubstaff Tasks with Hubstaff time tracking to gain insights into how your team works.
Create your Agile workflow in Hubstaff Tasks
Get full access to all Agile features free for 14 days. After that, it's free for teams up to five.