Easy Freshdesk time tracking

Track time your team spends on Freshdesk tickets. See screenshots and activity levels during work and generate custom reports for download or email.

Freshdesk time tracking app

Freshdesk desktop time tracking

The Hubstaff app will allow your team to view all their assigned tickets. They can click a ticket to view its details and track the time they spend working on it. When they have resolved the ticket, they can click the close button to mark it completed at Freshdesk.

Link your accounts
Connect your Freshdesk account with Hubstaff in one easy step through HTTP authorization.
Automatic ticket updates
After linking Freshdesk, your team will have their tickets automatically synced and updated so they can focus on resolving them.
Small and nimble
Hubstaff is a lightweight and intuitive app that your team will easily pick up and start using.
Freshdesk ticket time tracking with screenshots

See how tickets are worked on

Hubstaff's automatic screenshots allow you to see what your team is doing when they are tracking time to Freshdesk tickets. The activity levels tell you how productivity trends change over time. You'll be able to determine which of your support agents are working the hardest to provide the best customer service. They can install Hubstaff on Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop operating systems.

Freshdesk task reports

Reports for Freshdesk tickets

All the data from the time your team tracks against Freshdesk tickets will be available in automatically generated reports. You can filter these reports by user and date to easily get to the data you or your clients are looking for. Having accurate records of time worked has never been easier.

Chris Millar / Director, Web Legs

Hubstaff is the ultimate power-up that you need for your FreshDesk support team.

Hubstaff and Freshdesk help your team provide higher levels of support

Pull down tickets

View all assigned tickets and their details.

Accurate insights

Know how long tickets take, see screenshots of work done, activity levels, and idle timeouts.

Streamline workflows

Get timesheets, reports, and several payment options all in one app.

Freshdesk tickets

Your team can track time against each of their assigned Freshdesk tickets.

Manage users

You can link and unlink users at any time to keep your team organized.

Helpful settings

Customize your organization to control how the Hubstaff app monitors your team.

Integrate Freshdesk with Hubstaff now

Get a full-featured trial of Hubstaff, free for 14 days. No credit card required.

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